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Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Play Therapy

Play Therapy

Children's natural first language is play; they utilize play to communicate their feelings, to process through their experiences and to problem solve. Utilizing play therapy allows the child to connect and communicate on a level that works for them. Sessions can include sand play, art work, pretend play and creative expression. They can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 60 minutes depending on the client's treatment plan, goals and objectives. Additionally, parents or caregivers will be encouraged to be a part of the play therapy process; they will also be encouraged to take part in play sessions as needed. Part of play therapy will include teaching caregivers ways to utilize play to connect with their child, understand their child, validate their feelings and limit setting. 

Toy Brain


EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is an evidenced-based therapeutic intervention widely utilized with trauma survivors. This intervention utilizes rapid eye movements or bilateral stimulation to assist a client in pushing past disturbing experiences. Bilateral stimulation can include moving your eyes back and forth, tapping both hands or feet; or for younger children, playing the drums or playful sword fighting (with foam swords of course). This movement is combined with organizing negative and positive feelings/emotions/body sensations using free association. This intervention does not require a great deal of talking like most traditional "talk therapy" sessions. 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, or CBT, is another evidenced-based psychotherapy intervention that is widely used by many therapists. This approach comes from a belief that perception influences thoughts, which influence emotions, thereby influencing our actions. This approach would be more "talk therapy" oriented; exploring core belief systems, schemas and automatic thoughts that one experiences. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has been known to be effective with many mental health illnesses, to include: depression, anxiety, trauma and many others. 

Love Yourself

Now Accepting: 

Tricare East
Baylor Scott and White Health Plan
BCBS of Texas

Pay Rates: 

Initial Intake: $150
60-min Psychotherapy: $125
30-min Psychotherapy: $80
60-min Family Psychotherapy: $120


Cancellation Policy:

A late cancellation fee of $25 will be charged if a session is cancelled within 24 hours of a scheduled session. A full rate will be charged for a no-show/no-call for a scheduled session.

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